Example: Heart health
Atherosclerosis is the build up of material inside the walls of your arteries making them harden with time. This is the #1 cause of death.
Studies show that the build up starts slowly as early as childhood, even though it doesn’t usually manifest as true heart disease until in your 40s and onwards.
Numenor analyzes all the main biomarkers contributing to atherosclerosis and implements interventions early to reduce your long term risk of heart disease based on leading studies on heart disease prevention.
Example: Metabolism
Insulin resistance is when the body's tissues don't respond well to insulin. This means more insulin is needed to get the same effect and may cause blood sugar levels to go up.
Insulin resistance is associated with the development of age-related diseases, including heart disease, stroke, dementia, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.
Numenor measures different markers of insulin resistance and makes optimizing metabolism a cornerstone of your health plan.
Example: Fitness
VO2 max is the amount of oxygen your body uses when exercising at maximum capacity. It reflects how well your heart and lungs push blood and oxygen to your muscles and the rest of your body.
Going from a low VO2 max to being just below average is associated with a 50% reduction in mortality over a decade.
Numenor focuses on fitness in addition to other health markers as part of a holistic approach to health and longevity.